Uncover Africa
Uncover partnered with Planet Moja in 2022 to establish a sustainability policy and Planet Pledge right from their very beginnings. Planet Moja and Uncover worked together to assess unavoidable carbon emissions from their trips and devise a strategy for climate action. The resulting strategy is two fold:
1. Uncover pledges $1 from every trip to support independently verified carbon reduction projects
2. Uncover empowers their customers to fully offset their trip using a customized calculator

Offsetting your trip
The trip calculator here was developed by Planet Moja and lets Uncover customers select the trip category, number of people and number of nights to estimate the carbon emissions associated with the trip.
How does the calculation work?
Planet Moja reviewed the types of trips offered by Uncover and created categories with a similar emissions profile. They then assessed the carbon emissions of sample trips for each category to establish a per person per night emissions estimate. The assessment used emissions factors consistent with the UNFCCC recommendations for carbon assessment. The calculator uses the highest sample estimate and adds 10% to cover possible error to ensure that the estimate is conservative.
We’ve also designed a calculator for assessing the carbon footprint of global air travel for those Uncover travellers coming from further afield!
Check it out here.
Climate projects that Uncover has supported
Uncover is proud to support Kenyan projects in their sustainability strategy and Planet Pledge. All projects are certified through one of the major Carbon Registries and independently verified. Planet Moja ensures that all projects in our portfolio meet the highest international standards as well as passing our own rigorous screening. Uncover has selected the following projects from the Planet Moja portfolio that are most directly aligned to their mission and sustainability strategy.
View Uncover’s retirement certificates here.
Mikoko Pamoja is a community-led mangrove conservation and restoration project in Gazi Bay, Kenya. It involves both forest preservation and community-based reforestation. …
The Kasigau Corridor project results in the avoidance of over 1.5 million tonnes of CO2-e emissions per year. Kasigau covers over 500,000 …